Research & Teaching

I consider myself a scientist first and my laboratory and classroom at China Agricultural University as second homes.

Our lab focus is molecular biology, with research on subjects such as fruit sugar accumulation, and the role of phytohormones in fruit development. Check out some publications here.

My students and I regularly do fieldwork at a demonstration garden, vineyard and greenhouse on the outskirts of Beijing. We also do some intriguing wine marketing projects. You can read about those here.

I teach courses like Horticultural Product Marketing and General Horticulture, and supervise the theses of 10 graduate students.

Last, but certainly not least, I have taught a wine appreciation class for nearly 20 years at my university. About 10,000 students have now taken this course.

The wine appreciation class is open to all majors. As our university attracts students nationwide, the class is somewhat representative of China. Many former students now work at wine importers, retailers and consultancies, at local wineries, and in wine-focused academic or government departments.